Perception of Family and Institutional Care Givers on The Social Emotional Development of Former Street Children: A Study of Koinonia Community in Nairobi County – Kenya

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Mwangi, Grace W
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Pan Africa Christian University
Literature reviews on interventions for children and adolescents in street situation (CASS) observes that there is lacking sufficient empirical research base and efficacy of different forms of interventions for street children. This study examined social emotional development of 52 former street children under family based care and institutional care interventions and a control group of 26 children raised by biological families and have never been on the streets in Konoinia community in Nairobi County. The study was anchored on attachment theory. Quasi experiment design and quantitative methodology were used in this study. Purposeful sampling was employed to select respondents in this study. Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) was administered to the primary care givers of the children. That is parents of the children under family care and control group; whereas social workers filled SDQ for the children under institutional care. Data was analysed using Statistical Package of Social Sciences (SPSS) and MS-Excel. The results showed that control group children performed better than both former street children under family and institutional care. Second, former street children under family care performed better in the emotional symptoms scale than former street children under institutional care. In addition, the findings of this study revealed that there was a difference between the three interventions of care in relation to the social emotional development of children. Control group children results revealed the necessity of prevention programs at the family level in order to prevent children from going to the streets and into alternative care interventions. Considering the study was conducted in one Children’s Care provider there is need to widen the scope of the study to other care providers, in order to get a wider view of the implications of street children interventions on children development and especially family and institutional care interventions.
Effects of institutional Care on Socio-Emotional Development of Children,Street Children Phenomenon and Interventions Implications,Effects of Family Care on the Socio-emotional Development of Children

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