Effects of Premarital Counselling on Marital Success Among Couples in Kasarani Division, Nairobi

Wanjiku, paschalline V Waititu
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Pan Africa Christian University
Marital dissatisfaction affects people of all ages, races and cultural backgrounds and this often leads to divorce. Divorce can have negative implications that can last for years. Therapists, Christian religious clergy and other related professionals providing premarital and marital counseling work to resolve marital discord and improve marital satisfaction. The purpose of this study was to examine the connection between premarital counseling programs, marital success and marital satisfaction for couples. A questionnaire was used to establish whether participating couples attended pre-marital counseling, the topics that were covered during the program and the impact this has had in their marital relationship. Discussions were also held with three church leaders on the same study. The data was analyzed using both qualitative and quantitative analysis and the outcome of the analysis was presented in tables, figures and narrative description indicating responses by the individuals. The results show that (52%) of the participants responding to the metric on importance of showing excitement when one partner comes home strongly agreed while (40%) agreed. However, (53%) of the respondents disagreed with the second metric that they should listen when their partners are talking as compared to those who agreed at (39%). Regarding conflict resolution and management, (96%) of the participants admitted that it was dangerous for them not to deal with marital conflicts conclusively while (96%) of them agreed that it was wrong for them to criticize their partner. Regarding the effect of pre-marital counseling on marital bliss and satisfaction, bivariate correlation analysis showed that there was significant positive correlation between pre-marital counseling and marital satisfaction [r=0.568, n=56 p<0.000]. This means that participation in pre-marital counseling programs brings satisfaction and bliss to the couples who attend such programs. On the effect of pre-marital counseling on marital conflicts, the results show that there was negative corellation between pre-marital counseling and prevalence of marital conflicts though there was no significant difference in the means [r = -0.120, n=56 p=0.205]. This illustration means that the more couples participated in pre-marital counselling, the fewer marital conflicts exist between them. The study recommends that all persons preparing to get married should be encouraged to participate in premarital counseling. To achieve this vision all the service providers including churches must ensure that there is enough sensitization of young people to this effect.
Importance of Premarital Counseling,Impact of Marital Conflicts on Spouses,Divorce and Separation

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