An Evaluation of Youth Ministry in the Evangelical Church Winning All (ECWA) Nigeria: A Case for Professionalism

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Yusuf Obed Lewi
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PAC University
This study indicates that youth ministry in ECWA is not regarded as a distinct field that needs trained and qualified workers. The study explored the following questions: (1) what is the nature and structure of youth ministry in ECWA Nigeria? (2) What is the perception of youth ministry in ECWA Nigeria? (3) How can the professionalisation of the youth ministry enhance its perception and practice in ECWA Nigeria? To answer these questions, the study adopted Richard Osmer's (2008) practical theology framework and employed qualitative research methods to investigate the experiences of youth pastors in ECWA through in-depth, semistructured individual interviews. Following the literature reviewed and the data gathered from the ECWA youth pastors interviewed, the study revealed that professionalisation is essential in improving the perception and practice of youth ministry in ECWA. In that regard, three implications were discussed: first, ECWA needs to establish standards, minimum qualifications, and requirements for individuals who want to work as youth pastors to bridge the gap between the youth ministry perception and practice; second, to improve the perception of youth ministry, ECWA should make it mandatory for people who want to serve in youth ministry to undergo formal theological training that equips them with the necessary skills and knowledge; thirdly, to counter the negative perceptions surrounding youth ministry, ECWA should focus on raising awareness, education, and support for the significance of youth ministry through organised campaigns and communications. The study also offered seven recommendations with practical steps and strategic directions to translate the findings into action.