BC-Biological Sciences


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  • ItemOpen Access
    (PAC University, 2024-08-05) PAC University
  • ItemOpen Access
    Promoting traditional trees and food plants in Kenya.
    (Intermediate Technology Publications, 1992-01-02) Kiambi, D. K.; Opole, M.
    Genetic resources of local crops and trees play an important role in subsistence farming in Kenya. However, the colonial legacy (clearing of large areas of indigenous forests to grow uniform monocultures of fast-growing species such as pine, eucalyptus and cypress for timber export, and the use of high yielding varieties) continues to under-rate and undermine these resources. In a broad attempt to reverse these trends, Kenya Energy and Environment Organizations (KENGO) has been promoting the conservation and use of traditional trees and food crops in Kenya by supporting the practical activities of its member groups, through raising public awareness of the value of indigenous knowledge about traditional plants, and through joint research activities with national institutions.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Nature Based Enterprises for Sustainable Development
    (African Biodiversity Conservation and Innovations Centre, 2014-06-01) Obel-Lawson, E.; Kiambi, D. K.
    Natural resources play a significant role in the livelihoods of rural households. They are part of the complex and diverse rural livelihoods. They provide subsistence and cash income to local communities. The natural resource base provides most food, fuel, fodder, building materials, traditional medicines, materials for cloth and dyes, gums and resins and fibre. Population pressure, mis management of natural resources and poor farming methods have contributed to the destruction of agricultural and grazing lands, leading to a decline in food production, conflict over natural resources and increased urban migration in search of employment. These factors in addition to inappropriate social and economic policies, traditional, cultural and historic factors have resulted in increasing environmental degradation and the poverty facing most of Africa's population today.
  • ItemOpen Access
    KENGO's Genetic Resources Conservation Project
    (CAB international, 1995-11-01) Arum, G.; Kiambi, D. K.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Re-introducing crop genetic diversity in post-war Somalia In: Participatory approaches to the conservation and use of plant genetic resources
    (International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, 2000) Kiambi, D.K; Friis-Hansen, E.