Nadimo, Joseph Sanchez2024-02-132021-07-062024-02-132021-07-06 Degree ThesisIn recent past, Pentecostal churches have gone through a lot of evolution to a new brand of Pentecostalism called Charismatic Pentecostalism (Parsitau, 2014). However, this brand has endured a lot of criticism with claims of people being coached on what to do during live services for the display of miracles. Mwaura (2005) however notes that this has not stopped people from joining these churches because they seem to be providing solutions to the problems people are facing as compared to the mainline churches. The purpose of this study was to establish the role of ritual practices in the appropriation of spiritual gifts in the growth of Charismatic Pentecostals, to determine ritual practices carried out by charismatic Pentecostal pastors and lastly to discuss the role of pastoral ministry in re Spiritual gifts. The study sample size was 400 members from the churches, these were; 10 Pastors and 390 congregants across selected charismatic churches in Nairobi County. Sampling was conducted through purposive and systematic sampling. The study used questionnaires, group-focused interviews, semi-structured interviews, participant observation and available written records in qualitative research methods. The research plan, structure and strategy of investigation were designed to obtain answers to research questions and controlled variance by answering the questions objectively and accurately. The data was analysed using Nvivo qualitative data analysis method. The study revealed that ritual practices and spiritual gifts have positive implications on the growth of charismatic Pentecostalism and the spread of the gospel of Jesus Christ. However, application of ritual practices and Spiritual gifts has in certain instances been appropriated by charismatic pastors for selfish gain rather than for the growth of the body of Christ. On believers’ side, the ritual symbols have been ritualized thus turn out to be a religiosity affair.enRitual PracticesSpiritual GiftsChurch PastorsChurch CongregationsCharismatic ChurchesThe Relationship Between Ritual Practices and Spiritual Gifts: A Critical Study on Pastors and Congregations in Selected Charismatic Churches in Nairobi County, KenyaThesis