Mbede, Peter2024-03-112018-07-092024-03-112018-07-062413-7847https://repo.pacuniversity.ac.ke/handle/123456789/1579.2Journal articleThe African society has always used music to convey messages for various occasions. The message of the gospel should not be an exception. This research seeks to critically examine the role music plays in the communication of Christian theology focusing on the effects of musical theology, music as a medium of communication, dynamic interaction between artistic theology and other faiths and, benefits of music to theology. Because music has a greater audience than the other mediums of communication, it is a viable medium to effectively reach the masses with the Christian theology. Thus, provide a framework in which the authorship and practice of music can be based to ensure effective dissemination of Christian theology in rhythmic melodious manner.enMusicAfrican churchesChristian theologyCommunicationThe Influence of Music in Theologizing in African ChurchesArticle